Die Blätter werden verarbeitet, gemahlen und von einer hochhygienischen, nach „Good Manufacturing Practices“ zertifizierten Einrichtung in Indonesien transportiert. Anschließend testet ein unabhängiges Labor das Pulver, um seine Qualität zu bestätigen und sicherzustellen, dass es frei von Schwermetallen, Hefe, Enterobakterien, E. coli und Salmonellen ist.
Wild Green Bali
6.90€ – 135.90€ Incl. VAT
Wild Green Bali ist ein hochwertiges Kratom-Produkt, das aus einem Wald in der nördlichen Region Kapuas Hulu im Westen Borneos geerntet wird. Der Wald ist für seinen reichen Boden und den tiefen Respekt der Einheimischen vor der Natur bekannt. Die Bäume sind im Durchschnitt etwa 10 Jahre alt und wachsen mit Sorgfalt und Aufmerksamkeit der lokalen Bevölkerung natürlich in ihrer Umgebung. Wildes green Kratom wird aufgrund seiner außergewöhnlichen Produkteigenschaften oft als besser als kultiviertes Kratom angesehen, ist jedoch selten und schwer zu beschaffen, was es zu einer exklusiven Wahl macht.
Fredrik (verified owner) –
Previously tested Wild Green Borneo and this one seems to make just as good soap!
Eddie B. (verified owner) –
As good as other wild-varieties I bought, thanks for good service.
Johan (verified owner) –
Run only green strains and tested some shopping but the kratom expert is the best. Quickly. Very nice. Top quality. Highly recommended.
Fredrik L –
Something more stimulating than MD and a little less euphoria than Borneo, perfect if you want a little more evenly between the properties. But I probably stick to their green Borneo 🙂
Robin (verified owner) –
Very nice!
tillbis (verified owner) –
Very nice and makes a very good soap.
Johan (verified owner) –
Great. Always fast deliveries.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Good stuff
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Veronica (verified owner) –
Always as fast delivery. High quality. Much customer oriented!
Alexander (verified owner) –
Is satisfied at that item
Lucas (verified owner) –
Lucas (verified owner) –
johannes ericzon (verified owner) –
This is one of my favorites. Think all the wild variants are good. A little milder in the aroma than, for example, Super Maeng da. Uses this for the evening.
johannes (verified owner) –
Mild aroma and good effect. Best in the morning.
Charlie (verified owner) –
Second best after Wild Green Borneo. If you have tried the wild varieties, you do not go back to the standard varieties, which unfortunately becomes more expensive but easily worth it!
Lucas (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Nice relaxed
Christopher (verified owner) –
Satisfied with everything. The product in top quality. Fast delivery. Packaging in durable material that makes it easy to portion out just with product for each soap.
Cecilia (verified owner) –
Super product that keeps the skin sparkling all day. An uplifting soap for gray days.
Lucas (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Good quality
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Good quality
Agnes (verified owner) –
No complaints
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Nice product.
Lucas (verified owner) –
Alfred (verified owner) –
Good soap!
Robin (verified owner) –
Made over 10 purchases of this kind, favorite among green!
latch.consult –
Got sample on this!
Keeps nice quality. One of the benefits of KE is their stable quality on their range.
Great and recognize!
Lucas (verified owner) –
Lucas (verified owner) –
Alfred (verified owner) –
Royal strain
Cecilia (verified owner) –
My favorite soap! Feeling refreshed and happy after a shower.
Lucas (verified owner) –
Empty (verified owner) –
All right, weaker than before
Anonymous (verified owner) –
High quality, fast shipping.
Lucas (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
This lathers nicely
Anonymous (verified owner) –
My favorite
Anonymous (verified owner) –
nice but not the best
Mario (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Nothing to complain about
Anonymous (verified owner) –
A favorite
Cecilia (verified owner) –
Definitely the best bali. Well-being and calm. My favorite of all colors.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Very relaxing